The stars of Vulpecula

The following table provides the basic data from the Bright Star Catalogue, 5th Revised Ed. (Preliminary Version) (Hoffleit+, 1991, Yale University Observatory) as distributed by the Astronomical Data Center at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
In addition to the basic data, there are extensive remarks, divided in several categories, that gives more detailed information on individual entries. An offline readable version of the Bright Star Catalogue is distributed with the Bright Star Catalogue Viewer.


HR proper name Bayer Flamsteed HD SAO FK5 VarID RA
proper motion
in RA
proper motion
in DEC
mag MK spectral class multiple
7405 Anser a 6 183439 87261 1508 12069 19h 28m 42.3s +24° 39' 54" -0.125 -0.106 0.014 4.44 M0III
7744 23 192806 88428 20h 15m 46.1s +27° 48' 51" -0.036 0.008 0.008 4.52 K3-IIIFe-1
7592 13 188260 87883 19h 53m 27.7s +24° 4' 47" 0.027 0.038 0.009 4.58 B9.5III
7995 31 198809 89228 13373 20h 52m 7.7s +27° 5' 49" -0.067 -0.065 0.036 4.59 G7IIIFe-1
7653 15 189849 88071 1523 NT Vul 20h 1m 6.1s +27° 45' 13" 0.059 0.005 0.03 4.64 A4III
7306 1 180554 87010 3540 11866 19h 16m 13s +21° 23' 25" 0 -0.009 0.017 4.77 B4IV 3
7739 192685 88410 QR Vul 20h 15m 15.9s +25° 35' 31" 0.008 -0.006 4.78 B3Ve 3
7891 29 196724 88944 1539 20h 38m 31.3s +21° 12' 4" 0.071 0.005 0.002 4.82 A0V
7939 30 197752 89084 3657 20h 44m 52.5s +25° 16' 14" -0.028 -0.182 0.006 4.91 K2III
7565 12 187811 87813 3585 Var 19h 51m 4.1s +22° 36' 36" 0.028 -0.017 4.95 B2.5Ve
7437 9 184606 104990 12173 19h 34m 34.9s +19° 46' 24" 0.008 0.002 5 B8IIIn 3
8008 32 199169 89272 786 13398 20h 54m 33.6s +28° 3' 27" 0 -0.002 0.003 5.01 K4III
7894 28 196740 88945 20h 38m 31.9s +24° 6' 58" 0.01 -0.002 5.04 B5IV
7688 17 190993 88212 3611 20h 6m 53.4s +23° 36' 52" 0.015 0.003 5.07 B3V
7741 22 192713 88416 QS Vul 20h 15m 30.2s +23° 30' 31" 0 -0.015 0.004 5.15 G3Ib-II
7385 4 182762 104818 19h 25m 28.6s +19° 47' 55" 0.095 -0.063 0.026 5.16 K0III 3
7358 3 182255 87136 11966 19h 22m 50.9s +26° 15' 45" -0.001 -0.01 5.18 B6III
7731 21 192518 88391 NU Vul 20h 14m 14.5s +28° 41' 41" 0.014 -0.022 0.01 5.18 A7IVn
7657 16 190004 88098 20h 2m 1.4s +24° 56' 17" 0.088 0.07 0.004 5.22 F2III
8032 33 199697 89332 1549 20h 58m 16.4s +22° 19' 33" -0.003 -0.003 5.31 K3.5III
7753 24 192944 88451 760 20h 16m 47.1s +24° 40' 16" 0.016 -0.018 -0.003 5.32 G8III
8217 35 204414 89720 3715 21h 27m 40.1s +27° 36' 31" 0.041 0.018 0.019 5.41 A1V
7318 2 180968 87036 ES Vul 19h 17m 43.6s +23° 1' 32" 0.001 -0.005 0.007 5.43 B0.5IV 3
7506 10 186486 87633 1515 19h 43m 42.9s +25° 46' 19" 0.012 0.019 0.023 5.49 G8III
7718 19 192004 88330 20h 11m 48s +26° 48' 32" 0.007 -0.01 5.49 K3II-III
7601 188485 87908 19h 54m 31.1s +24° 19' 10" 0.026 0 0.015 5.52 A0III
7711 18 191747 88295 20h 10m 33.5s +26° 54' 15" 0.02 0.013 0.002 5.52 A3III
7789 25 193911 88580 20h 22m 3.4s +24° 26' 46" 0 -0.007 -0.008 5.54 B8IIIne
7573 187982 87840 3587 12498 19h 52m 1.6s +24° 59' 32" 0.003 -0.005 0.006 5.57 A1Ia
7880 27 196504 88903 3649 20h 37m 4.7s +26° 27' 43" 0.017 -0.012 5.59 B9V
7390 5 182919 104831 19h 26m 13.2s +20° 5' 52" 0.003 -0.035 5.63 A0V
7811 194577 88664 3634 Var 20h 25m 40.5s +21° 24' 35" 0.01 -0.011 5.66 G6III
7641 14 189410 88016 19h 59m 10.5s +23° 6' 5" -0.071 0.006 0.019 5.67 F0
8198 203925 89685 21h 24m 34s +26° 10' 28" 0.048 0.002 0.013 5.68 A8III
8190 203803 89678 21h 23m 58.8s +24° 16' 27" 0.136 0.022 0.027 5.71 F1IV
7250 178187 86817 19h 6m 38.4s +24° 15' 3" 0.055 0.015 5.77 A4III
7988 198726 89216 T Vul 20h 51m 28.2s +28° 15' 2" 0.003 -0.003 0.006 5.77 F5Ib
7391 182955 104839 1505 19h 26m 28.7s +19° 53' 29" -0.001 -0.046 5.81 M0III 5
7406 8 183491 87267 19h 28m 57s +24° 46' 7" 0 0.014 0.004 5.81 K0III
7421 184010 87314 19h 31m 21.8s +26° 37' 2" 0.032 0.027 5.87 K0III-IV
7656 189944 88088 20h 1m 44.7s +24° 48' 1" 0.005 -0.003 5.88 B4V
7895 196753 88946 20h 38m 35.1s +23° 40' 50" 0.015 -0.007 5.91 K0II-III+A3V
7719 20 192044 88339 12890 20h 12m 0.7s +26° 28' 44" 0.008 -0.011 5.92 B7Ve
7286 179648 86930 19h 12m 36.7s +21° 33' 16" 0.005 -0.002 5.93 A2Vn
7540 187193 87729 19h 47m 48.6s +25° 23' 2" 0.082 -0.026 5.95 K0II-III
7903 196821 88959 13201 20h 39m 10.6s +21° 49' 2" 0.019 0.014 6.08 A0III
8082 201051 89459 3686 21h 6m 23.5s +26° 55' 28" 0.044 -0.017 6.12 K0II-III
8194 203858 89680 21h 24m 7.4s +25° 18' 44" 0.039 0 6.15 A2V 6
7386 182807 87190 19h 25m 25.8s +24° 54' 46" -0.175 -0.63 0.027 6.19 F7V 5
7760 193094 88473 20h 17m 31.5s +29° 8' 53" -0.011 0.032 0.009 6.22 G9III
7263 178476 86843 19h 8m 3.6s +21° 41' 56" 0.051 0.074 0.008 6.23 F3V
7716 191877 88315 20h 11m 21.1s +21° 52' 32" -0.001 0.007 6.26 B1Ibe
7508 186518 87640 PS Vul 19h 43m 55.9s +27° 8' 8" -0.009 0.004 -0.008 6.28 B7V+G1:III
7183 176541 86675 18h 59m 58.1s +22° 48' 53" -0.022 0.012 6.29 M3.5IIIab
8158 203206 89628 21h 20m 14s +22° 1' 35" 0.003 0.01 6.29 B6IV
7384 182761 87186 19h 25m 22.4s +20° 16' 17" -0.007 -0.027 6.31 A0V
7452 184961 87426 3564 12199 19h 36m 8.3s +22° 35' 9" 0.001 -0.01 6.32 B9pSi:Cr:
8197 203886 89682 21h 24m 23.1s +24° 31' 44" 0.033 0 6.32 K0III
7409 7 183537 87269 Var 19h 29m 20.9s +20° 16' 47" 0.001 -0.02 6.33 B5Vn
7849 195692 88808 20h 31m 58.2s +25° 48' 16" 0.032 -0.033 0.009 6.34 Am
7490 186021 87569 19h 41m 14.9s +22° 27' 10" 0.025 -0.004 6.36 K0I
7556 187640 87786 12454 19h 49m 54.6s +28° 26' 26" -0.021 0.027 6.38 B5V
7207 176971 86716 19h 1m 49.5s +22° 15' 50" 0.021 -0.008 6.4 A4V
7364 182422 87148 19h 23m 46.9s +20° 15' 52" -0.007 0.008 6.4 B9.5V
7874 26 196362 88884 20h 36m 8.3s +25° 52' 57" 0.019 0.011 6.41 A5III
7677 190590 88163 20h 4m 58.6s +23° 12' 37" 0.006 -0.002 6.45 A5Vn
7472 185436 87489 19h 38m 17.5s +20° 46' 58" -0.055 -0.048 6.48 K0III
7862 196035 88846 20h 34m 10s +20° 59' 7" 0.015 -0.002 6.48 B3IV
7482 185859 87542 19h 40m 28.3s +20° 28' 36" -0.002 -0.022 6.5 B0.5Iae
7222 177392 86753 LT Vul 19h 3m 42.5s +21° 16' 4" 0.022 -0.021 6.52 F2III
7723 192342 88377 20h 13m 40.6s +24° 14' 20" 0.05 0.031 0.011 6.56 A1m
8007 199140 89265 BW Vul 20h 54m 22.4s +28° 31' 19" 0.007 -0.01 6.56 B2IIIe
7533 186998 87706 19h 46m 39.5s +25° 8' 2" 0.073 -0.004 6.62 A7IV
7485 185915 87551 19h 40m 39.7s +23° 43' 3" 0.019 -0.02 6.64 B6IV 3
8101 201671 89505 21h 10m 32s +22° 27' 17" 0.02 -0.008 6.68 A1V
7206 176939 86714 19h 1m 34.9s +25° 1' 33" -0.001 0 6.72 K2
7458 185059 87447 U Vul 19h 36m 37.7s +20° 19' 58" -0.003 -0.011 -0.013 7.14 F2-F8Iab